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Zoom: Gifts, Service, and Gigs with Easyah App (May 2020)

Mon, May 25



App developer and computer programmer, Johnathan James has created a way for people offer their gifts, talents, skills, and time to one another through a new app called, Easyah. We're going to chat with him to see how it works!

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Zoom: Gifts, Service, and Gigs with Easyah App (May 2020)
Zoom: Gifts, Service, and Gigs with Easyah App (May 2020)

Time & Location

May 25, 2020, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM MDT



About the event

Event Description: Have you been curious about terms like the Gift Economy or Gig Economy? Are you curious about creative ways to offer, support, and bless others with your time and skill in other ways beyond money? Do you want to be of service or ask for help in meaningful and intentional ways as we navigate COVID-19? This will be a casual and informative learning and connecting experience with the Founder/Creator of a new app called, Easyah. When asked to describe the app, Johnathan said "It let's you turn the positive energy that you give people, into constructive energy that people give you". Johnathan will share with us (1) Why he created the app? What inspired it? (2) How the app works and some examples for how others have used it, and (3) Some tips, tools, and next steps as he invites more and more people to test it out. Learn more about the app at

Our Guest: Johnathan James is a native of Denver, Colorado. He's a father, a computer programmer, and enjoys thinking about, and bringing about, ways to make the world a better place. Prefers milk chocolate over dark chocolate. You get out what you put in! Be the change!

Host: Jonathon Stalls founded Walk2Connect in 2012 soon after he completed a 242 day walk across the USA. He is currently developing his new creative project, Intrinsic Paths. Jonathon has walked thousands of miles and has committed much of his life to grow a Life@3MPH Movement to help people connect to one another, to their surroundings, and to oneself through walking.

Have a Smartphone? Bring it! Please take a few minutes to download the app in advance so Johnathan can help you with any direct questions and walk us all through how we can more intentionally use it.

Don't have a Smartphone? No problem. You are still invited to join us and learn about his creative vision for Easyah.

Topic: Easyah Conversation with Johnathan James 

Time: May 25, 2020 06:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)


Meeting ID: 876 7747 9204

Password: 619803

One tap mobile

+16699006833,,87677479204#,,1#,619803# US (San Jose)

+12532158782,,87677479204#,,1#,619803# US (Tacoma)

 If you have never used Zoom before:

1. Click the link provided under "Zoom Details" above to sign-in on your computer or smartphone when you are ready to join. Or you can dial in on your phone with the numbers provided. Some of you can download Zoom beforehand; however, there's no need to as it automatically downloads itself quickly when you click the unique Meeting ID link each time. If you have a weak internet signal, you might want to opt for the phone. *Be sure to download the ZOOM app if you are using your Smartphone. This way, you can have video from your phone easily.

2. You can have your video on (or off) it's up to you. I love seeing one another's faces, but feel zero pressure to have it on. You can also switch video on and off throughout as you need to.

3. Throughout the call, please MUTE yourself when you are not speaking to reduce microphone noise by clicking the microphone button on smartphones/screens (or *6 on any other phone) so we don't hear any extra noise in the background. When you want to speak (after the sit), click the microphone button (or *6 again) to be unmuted.

4. You might want to test your microphone or camera to make sure they work. If you want, I'm happy to test it out with you beforehand.

5. Please plan to sign-on right at or just a few minutes before our start time. If you are early, that's fine, just know I (the host) might not be signing on until 6:00 pm MT.


Thank you, Intrinsic Paths Patrons for making this possible

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