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when has there never been change? as the creek flows & freezes

are your hairs & your skin not growing? all the shedding, the curling, the feeling


what makes you so certain? ideas idling on towers

frightened, narrow worlds playing with plastic powers


I owe you absolutely nothing oh, voids of preventable losses

my heart and my belonging live in hugs and shared exhaustion



the way of the branch as it bends, twists, and reaches


the way of the owl as it stares, glides, and teaches


the way of the sun as it burns, shines, and beckons


the way of the rock as it holds, hums, and glistens


when has there never been change? great dreams of stars and wings

when has there never been change? have you walked and sat by the stream?


I don’t belong to your story or anyone else’s thread

I also trust we’re connected in oceans of all that’s unsaid


change has come to greet us as it always has before

more than something separate perhaps, it is us, all the more


healing waits for change right outside the door

healing calls our name louder than before

: : :

A poem I wrote inspired by New Years 2023. I highly recommend reading it slowly and out loud. Sending love, healing, rest and comfort in all the unknowns on all of our unique paths in the days and months ahead.

Photo: one of my ink art pieces, 'emerge'


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